Discover relevant topics that ACET is currently working on, such as developing SMART goals, creating strategic plans, assessing community readiness, and improving outcomes.
- Amy Gustafson
- Ashley Kitchen
- Bree Zimmerman
- Carlos Gallego
- Charles Rivers
- Children
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- Community Readiness
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- Indigenous
- Interviews
- Jolene Roehlkepartain
- Kamarrie Coleman
- Lisa Perkins Smith
- Maggi Seybold
- Max Davis
- Mick Alvarez Flores
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- Rachel Engh
- Rating Scales
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- Strategic Planning
- Surveys
Meet Amy Gustafson
ACET, Inc., is pleased to introduce Amy Gustafson, who joined ACET this March as an Administrative Assistant!
Using Public Health 3.0 as a Blueprint to Build Evaluations
ACET works in evaluation with public health agencies, primary care, behavior health, and other health-care systems.
Responsive and Culturally Tailored Evaluation During COVID-19
At ACET, we are adaptive and responsive to new contexts, and with the pandemic, this is a new context.
Find COVID-19 Emergency Grants with this Free Online Tool
ACET, Inc., curates a web-based, grant-alert tool where you can access COVID-19 emergency grant opportunities (and hundreds of other grants).
Mutually Beneficial Partnerships and Evaluation
As evaluators, we develop partnerships to build bridges between dedicated community members and funders.
Recruiting Participants from Underserved Groups
Many organizations and agencies seek to diversify their outreach.
Using IDI Information Well
If you’ve already completed the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) assessment and are wondering what to do next, ACET can help.
Meet Lisa Perkins Smith
ACET, Inc., is pleased to introduce Lisa Perkins Smith, who joined ACET this spring as an Administrative Associate!
Cultural Assessments for Your Organization
ACET is wrapping up a project with the Minnesota Department of Human Services to assess the capacity of Minnesota Recovery Organizations to tailor services and trainings to better meet the needs of diverse stakeholders residing in Minnesota.
Communicating with a Variety of Audiences
Every evaluation involves working with a number of audiences.
Stella SiWan Zimmerman, an Exciting 20-Year Career in Evaluation
April marks the 20th anniversary of Stella SiWan Zimmerman founding ACET, Inc.
Strengthening Evaluation with Indigenous Data Sovereignty
One of our Research Associates had an opportunity to attend a discussion with national grantees from the CDC Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country program in February with lessons learned from the Indigenous Data Sovereignty; Toward an Agenda book.
Meet Ashley Kitchen
Ashley Kitchen, Ph.D., is our newest Research Associate who joined ACET in March 2018.
Facilitating Effective Meetings
At ACET, we facilitate many meetings, and we work to create successful meetings that move meeting goals forward and keep everyone engaged.
Using Reflexive Photography in Evaluation
ACET often works with communities that value oral traditions.
Working Effectively with Multiple Stakeholder Groups
For an evaluation to go well and be sustainable over time, it is essential to engage multiple stakeholder groups.
Meet Jolene Roehlkepartain
ACET, Inc., is proud to introduce our new Communications Editor, Jolene Roehlkepartain!
Effectively Facilitating Group Discussions
At ACET, we lead many focus groups, and we build capacity with our clients so they can successfully lead focus groups and build capacity of others to facilitate future conversations.
3 Big No Nos for Rating Scales in Surveys
Surveys provide a rich array of information—when they’re designed well to minimize bias.