Meet Max Davis


ACET, Inc., is thrilled to introduce one of its new Data Coordinators, Max Davis, to the team. Max started with ACET at the end of this past summer. Max has a bachelor's degree in Urban and Environmental Policy, and he brings to ACET extensive data-related experience, ranging from collection to management to analysis.

With a history of work in the public sector, Max brings with him a passion for public service and community outreach, with experience and expertise to match. Max enjoys working with a variety of clients both near and far, ranging from nonprofits to government agencies to Tribal agencies, delivering a focus on community building and development via culturally tailored services.

Max is highly interested in contributing to the shift in understanding around data-based decisions and excited to be a part of this process. At ACET, he works closely with clients to develop methods of evaluation that meet their needs.

Max grew up in Minnesota and studied in Los Angeles, before moving back. He takes advantage of the Minnesota summers by being outdoors, whether it be canoeing on a lake, relaxing in a hammock, or drawing a nice landscape.

All of us at ACET are excited to have Max join the team!


Meet Will Hopkins


Why Evaluate?