Meet Kamarrie Coleman
ACET is delighted to have Dr. Kamarrie Coleman join the ACET team full time as the Manager of the Evaluation & Research Department. “I’m probably one of the newest and oldest members of ACET’s team, since I first worked at ACET in the early 2000s,” Kamarrie says. “It’s great to rejoin the organization. We’re doing good work in the communities our clients serve, and I’m so very proud to be part of the team.”
Kamarrie brings a rich expertise in evaluation and data use whether working in a university setting (she’s worked for both the University of Minnesota and the University of Greensboro in North Carolina) to the coordination of research teams for large-scale assessment development.
She brings a strong education background, serving as a high school assistant principal, classroom teacher, department and professional development leader, data coach, and director of testing and assessment for a major school district. “I’m always interested in systems alignment so that we’re all working toward shared goals,” she says.
Kamarrie also has extensive experience in working with state agencies, providing technical assistance, meeting reporting requirements, and working with all the key stakeholders. “Data has the opportunity to positively impact an agency and an organization,” she says. “That’s why data collection can be meaningful. It’s about improving our systems by collecting and using the data that matters.”
She has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, and she has a Masters of Public Policy with a major in Advanced Policy Analysis Methods. She also has a Master of Arts in Teaching Certificate, and an Ed.S. in Administration and Supervision. She has been a co-author on multiple publications for the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO).
Kamarrie is bilingual in English and Spanish. She says that knowing a second language is an important part of her work. “I often talk about culturally and linguistically diverse communities,” she says. “Language is a big way people make sense of the world and express themselves, and as such, there are many ways to express a need or an experience.”
When Kamarrie isn’t working, she says her kids are the primary way she has fun. “I love playing with my kids. They remind me that making time to play is important,” she says. She also enjoys singing and listening to audiobooks.
Welcome to ACET, Kamarrie! We’re excited to have you as part of our team.